Environmentally-friendly Natural Clear enzyme clarifier is a biodegradable water cleaner. It quickly rids pools of organics that cause odors, sum lines, filter clogs and cloudy water.
- Powerful enzyme formula removes oily contaminants
- Prevents waterline build-up and clogged filters by rapidly digesting oils, lotions and organics
- Improves filtration
- Has a fresh, clean scent
- Biodegradable
Applications:Initial Dosage:
- Add 16 ounces of Natural Clear enzyme clarifier for every 10,000 gallons of pool water daily until scum lines are eliminated.
Maintenance Dosage:
- To prevent oils, lotions and other organics from accumulating on walls or in the water, add 8 ounces of Natural Clear enzyme clarifier for every 10,000 gallons of water weekly.
- Add maintenance dosage weekly to prevent scum buildup.
Compatible With:
- Chlorine, bromine, ozone and
- Increases filter life span by eliminating scum and oily buildup. Includes a built-in measuring cap.
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